
SEA CHANGE is the name of an international initiative on the art of transformation after William Shakespeare’s precious term for fundamental change. The SEA CHANGE initiative has been growing since 2021 with the support of the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, Austrian cultural forums and embassies and involves partners in arts and sciences, theatres, festivals and universities worldwide.

Within the SEA CHANGE initiative paradigm shifts in the context of „Female Empowerment“, „Mortality and Diginity“, „Home and Foreignness“, „Fluidity versus Binarity“, „Reconciling of Nature and Culture“ are addressed in an international and interdisciplinary way.

The travelling performance ORLANDO TRIP is the thematic nucleus of this initiative, which involves local players in art and science, their narratives, their expertise and their visions in round tables, salons and symposia worldwide. The aim is to move contemporary knowledge from the ivory tower into the public discourse.

International contributions from the arts and sciences were shown in autumn 2023 as part of a special edition „SEA CHANGE“ of the festival Europa in Szene in the Kasematten Wiener Neustadt and will flow into the festival’s SEA CHANGE Collection from spring 2024.

SEA CHANGE stations and partners 2021-23:
Austrian Cultural Forum, Rome (IT); Austrian Embassy, Tunis (TN); National Theatre Bucharest (RO); Austrian Cultural Forum, Istanbul (TR); Ege University, Izmir (TR); Yasar University, Izmir (TR); Lieblinghaus, Tel Aviv (IL); Sarajevo War Theatre (BA); Contemporary Women Festival, Tuzla (BA); Inter-University Center, Dubrovnik (HR); Slovo Gorcina Festival, Stolac (BA); National Theatre, Timisoara (RO); Odeon Theatre, Bucharest (RO); Caragiale University, Bucharest (RO); Roma Tre University (IT); Tel Aviv University (IL); National Theatre of Northern Greek, Thessaloniki (GR); Europa in Szene Festival, Wiener Neustadt (AT); Acco Festival, Akkon (IL); Art Circle / Atelier Šempeter, Nova Gorica (SI); Villa Vipolže, Dobrovo (SI).

Supported by:
Federal Ministry for European and international Affairs, Republic of Austria; Austrian Cultural Forum Rome (IT); Austrian Embassy Tunis (TN); Austrian Cultural Forum Bucharest (RO); Austrian Cultural Forum Istanbul (TR); Austrian Cultural Forum Tel Aviv (IL); Austrian Cultural Forum Sarajevo (BA); Austrian Cultural Forum Zagreb (HR); Austrian Embassy Athens (GR); Austrian Honorary Consulate Thessaloniki (GR); Austrian Cultural Forum Ljubljana (SI).

SEA CHANGE logo-col

«Full fathom five thy father lies;
Of his bones are coral made;
Those are pearls that were his eyes;
Nothing of him that doth fade,
But doth suffer a sea-change
Into something rich and strange»

William Shakespeare – Ariel´s Song (The Tempest)